The Relationship Proper

I won't lie, I've been excited to tear this couple to shreds. But at the same time, the first three seasons of them are a guilty pleasure to watch, the chaos being so ridiculous, it almost becomes believable again.
Season one starts with Musa's instant crush on Riven. He seems to take an interest in her, as well, but ultimately ends up with Darcy and betraying Musa's trust when he doesn't help her when the witches corner her in an attack. Once he's dumped and essentially tortured, he asks the group for forgiveness and his temper calms down. Musa had initially gotten rid of her feelings for him, but they resurface as soon as Riven is redeemed.
Season two shows that the two have become friends, even though they still have their arguments. (A hat, Musa? A hat. You're mad over a hat.) When their feelings are confessed differs by the dub. 4kids Musa tells him as a way to earn her Charmix. Rai Musa only told him that she trusted him when it came to Darcy and in general. Both dubs have Riven tell her before the final battle with Lord Darkar to save Bloom, asking her to say that she'll come back to him once it's all over. When she thinks he's died, she kisses him, cradling his head until Bloom heals him with her powers.
By the time season three rolls around, they are an official couple, but Musa soon believes that Riven doesn't trust her and contemplates breaking up with her until she sees Riven willing to fight Nabu when he thought he kissed her. Personally, that would be more unattractive than anything else that he would assume the worst and get ready to murder a man, but you do you, Musa.
Season four. I'm not even going to say anything because we all know the shitshow that is season four. They're broken up for half the season and are fighting the rest of the time (except the first episode. The way he picked her up was cute). Even the resolution was kind of crappy. Riven apologizes because he's afraid something might happen to Musa like to Nabu while they're still fighting and she gives him a kiss on the cheek, telling him not to say anything else. This is in the last episode, by the way. And even before that, they made up with Riven telling Musa he would fight anyone it took to make her his, with her replying that she already is his, so the last interaction feels completely unnecessary.
Season five, Riven actually doesn't do anything wrong while Musa is pretty insecure. Turns out, he was just getting some help with guitar lessons, as he was writing a song for her. Next.
Season six, Riven cheats on Musa...with his boomerang. He's basically regressed to having a petty rivalry with Sky. Only worse. Seriously they have a stupid duel for position of leader of the Specialists (which I still think should've been Brandon). At the end of the season, they break up and Riven goes off, not appearing until season eight. My theory is that his was to make room for Nex, but he's a Paladin, not a Specialist. Besides, all of the girls have simultaneously had boyfriends before, so the reason might actually be for the closure this couple should've gotten back in season four.
But then season eight fucks that up when Riven comes back and is still in love with Musa.
Guys, I want y'all to see these scenes as a comparison. Where they breakup, and then when he comes back.
Riven: Musa, there's something I've been meaning to get off my chest. I'm supposed to be there for you everyday, to support you and protect you as a Specialist and your boyfriend. But right now, I'm just not capable of doing either of those things.
Musa: ...Riven, we've had our ups and downs, and it is clear now that we're not meant to be together. But you will always be a hero to me.
Riven: I guess I just have to figure out how to be a hero to myself, if that makes sense. You always got me, Musa.
Musa: Deep down, I know this is the right thing for both of us. For now, let's just be friends.
Bloom: ...Riven, where are you going?
Riven I've got some work to do. And I've gotta do it on my own.
Stella: Wait, did I miss something? You're leaving, like, for good?
Sky: Good luck, Riven. We're here for you.
Bloom: And we always will be.
Riven: I'll see you guys. Goodbye, Musa.
Musa: What? What are you doing here?!
Bloom: *to Sky* You could have told us.
Sky: Riven just showed up and rescued us during our last mission.
Timmy: Without him, the monsters in the Omega Dimension would have had us for lunch.
Helia: His help was essential. So, we decided to welcome him back to the Specialist Team.
Musa: I haven't heard from you in so long. And now that you're back, you didn't even call me?! Same old egomaniac.
Sky: Riven has changed. He's already proved it.
Musa: Right. To you, not to me.
You ain't his girlfriend. He has no obligation to you.
Riven's Redemption

I'm actually not talking about the redemption we all think about, but rather in season eight. This guy was a crappy boyfriend, but I'll give him this: he really put in the work to change as a person. He's not as hostile and understands that Musa needs to process her feelings on her own with him out of the way, even with it being clear how much he still loves her.
And Musa? I don't understand. The last time they saw each other, they parted as friends. But then she starts yelling at him immediately once he comes back. If they had some kind of fight over the phone or something, it was never explained. She doesn't even allude to why her feelings might have changed. They just have and she's in the right because she's a Winx.
Besides, it's inevitable they'll get back together. Why else would they reintroduce him? Surely not to show something as complex as maturity with an ex. And this is the point where the Specialists stopped being relevant other than token boyfriends anyway, so. No, the kids just want to see the already-established couple get back together and regain the status-quo.

Musa's Toxicity
One thing I've started seeing people talk more about is Musa's toxic role in the relationship. I won't mention the hat bit again, because they weren't dating at this point. But she takes something as simple as a disagreement over Riven checking the hoverbike into it being about not trusting her. Playing the victim, she aggressively shows him the broken engine while screaming at him. Riven, on the other hand, has been completely calm about this, apologizing and giving her space.
Season four shows them being mutually horrible to each other. You know why Riven was so jealous of Jason Queen? Because it was clear Musa had a thing for him and, depending on how you look at it, either A: emotionally cheated on Riven or B: dumped him as soon as she found a more appealing option.
I want to say now before people start screaming at me that that was exactly how Aisha x Nex happened and that I support that. Okay, she and Roy weren't dating at that time, despite season five wanting us to believe they were. And if they were, it was casual. There were no real feelings on Aisha's end, and it reads more like a rebound after Nabu's death. Nex wasn't throwing himself on her and respected that she and Roy already had some (forced) chemistry.
Meanwhile, Musa was dating Riven seriously and still found Jason to be a better option. This gives Bulma vibes from the original Dragon Ball. "Yeah, but I could always use an upgrade." I can get into my unpopular feelings for her another time, but this is a Winx Club blog, so let's stick with that.
In that moment, the same feelings I have for Bulma attached themselves onto Musa. "She's selfish. She doesn't care about other people's feelings. She's just using cute guys for her own needs." This isn't typically what one thinks of with Musa but hear me out.
She's selfish.
She kind of is? She isn't considering how Riven feels about her flirting with Jason while he's taking her to her music audition. (Granted, he was a real dick that episode, but that seemed like the writers just trying to make him dislikeable.)
She doesn't care about other people's feelings.
Again, he's right there. He lashes out at her after the audition saying that she could have done a better job because he was hurt. Musa, of course, takes offense, but doesn't consider that's an out-of-pocket thing for Riven to say. (Seriously, when else has he been unsupportive? Remember her concert in season two?) He leaves angry, leaving Musa to cry and, again, play the victim slightly justifiable in this case).
She's just using cute guys for her own needs.
Jason makes her feel safe, according to Musa. But this is the first time they've met and she's already projecting her ideal partner onto him, when really, he was trying to be nice and comfort and encourage her. This is kind of giving season one. Remember her reaction when she first saw Riven?

Ring a bell?
I'll give her a pass for season five. That was kind of suspicious.
Season six, Riven was high on that season one juice, so another pass.
Season eight, I've already explained, so I won't go into it again.
I Don't Hate Season Four Riven

The only episode Riven is truly terrible in in this season is the tenth, Musa's Song/The Audition. I've already explained the reasoning behind it, but Musa makes it seem like Riven has been constantly partaking in belittling her. You want my opinion? I think Riven would have apologized if Musa hadn't made a huge deal and support her, although his jealous tendencies make me think he wouldn't be around Jason much anymore.
I really don't hate Musa. I just hate how she treats Riven (and sometimes Stella) And I hate that not enough people call her out for this, but thank God I'm starting to see more, but nothing ever as in-depth as this. Riven is by no means perfect. He abandoned her when she was being attacked and put her down after her audition. Honestly, I think they're equally toxic, but where Riven is verbally hostile, Musa is dramatic and takes to playing the victim.
They're Not End-Game
This is a little fanficy, but let me enjoy this.

I really like the idea of a Specialist dating someone who isn't a Winx. For awhile, that was Riven, even though he wanted to transfer squads. Yes, it was clear he would end up with Musa, but I really wish we could have seen him more with Darcy, especially the original in which he wasn't spelled, but rather was a morally-grey character.
But for them to be end-game, either Riven would have to join the villains or Darcy would need a redemption arc. That would have been doable after the events of season one (Magix was trying to give the Trix one by rehabilitating them) and maybe I could've believed it like I believed Riven's, but by this point in Winx's life, it's almost certainly never going to happen. (Icy did get one in her retcon in season eight, although it looks like the reboot isn't taking her character there, so anything is possible.)
If Riven were to be an antagonist, I wouldn't see him as a villain. Just someone who doesn't get along with the Winx and their boyfriends. Unless Rainbow can pull off some third alternative, I unfortunately don't see this couple happening again, at least not for good.

If Jared hadn't stalked Musa, it could've been cute. But he did. Like, creepy yandere obsession level. No thank you.

You're fairies, you're fairies, I know it's true...
I really wish Orlando went back with them and started a relationship with Musa. Even the other Winx were shipping it. She was so protective of him, and he cared so much for her. He's even more open-minded than Riven when it comes to women, and he's from medieval times. I know it'll never happen, and I'll always be mad about it.
Star-Crossed Lovers

Unfortunately, this is yet another couple I don't see working out in the long-term. But I've been quite harsh to couples lately, haven't I? First Bloom x Sky, then Aisha x Nabu, and I even critiqued Flora x Helia, which I should love on paper. It's not that I don't think they don't love each other, but Winx Club was never great when it came to romance. Just two who fall in love, yet are never meant to be.
Hopefully, I'll be nicer to Stella x Brandon and Tecna x Timmy.
Keep winxing!
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It's nice to see someone finally acknowledging Musa's toxicity and bad attitude through the seasons but one thing: Riven never shown any interest in her before he was with Darcy. He caught her when the minotaur punched her, yeah, but he'd do that with any other person half knocked out. And during the party he seemed more annoyed by Musa and by Sky trying to push him with her than anything. Riven was put in the wrong specialist team, he was never happy there.
I really liked how you explained musa’s behavior. In s4 she seemed very toxic. And she kept thinking about Jason when she and riven was dating