Listen, I really enjoy talking about couples, okay? So instead of starting with character deep-dives like a normal person, we're going to start with couple deep-dive. And who better to start with than the main character and her boyfriend?

Let me start off with this: I don't hate Bloom. Yes, Viacom made her a Mary-Sue, but I don't really watch much past season four. (Okay, so she was a Mary-Sue in season four, but just ignore that for now.) I don't get why Golden-Age Bloom gets so much hate. The show is about her because she's the MAIN CHARACTER. How weird would it be if it was about any of the other girls and Bloom was just a side character from Earth? People would be complaining that they want to know more about her and how she's adjusting. But it's the thing to do to hate on the main character, so here we are.
And I want to say that, at least in the first season, I didn't hate Bloom x Sky at first. It was definitely a breath of fresh air after watching Nick's version initially. Tiny me didn't see the difference, big me does.
Season One

My grandmother wanted to watch Winx Club, remembering when I would be watching season five on Nickelodeon. So, I started up the Rai English Dub on YouTube (I think she would quickly lose interest with 4kids). And honestly, I like Bloom x Sky here. It feels very natural. I know the common complaints and I'll address those in a moment.
Prince Sky is introduced as Brandon, Sky's squire (the real Brandon being Sky at the time). So, Bloom figured she was falling for a regular guy who happened to work for a prince (he would still be considered regular in the Magic Dimension, where every kingdom we currently know of is ruled by a monarchy). They act like two teens who are becoming a couple: they go on dates, they call each other, Sky even breaks into Cloud Tower for Bloom (hey, I never said teenagers were the brightest). Here's where the complaints come in.
In episode fourteen, Bloom's Dark Secret/Witch Trap, Bloom is reveled to be the reincarnation of the Ancestral Witches...allegedly. We know the Trix are the ones who cast a spell to trick her, but neither Bloom nor Sky know this. When she tells him and begs for help, he just hangs his head after backing away from her. "He thinks she's a witch and now is afraid of her!" People often leave out this piece of information: ancestral. He thinks she's the Ancestral Witches and is afraid of her.
Okay, I'll admit that you can't use that excuse in the 4kids dub, but that translation isn't accurate in the slightest.
But even after, he makes a move to comfort her until she asks him to take her back to Alfea/asks him to leave her alone. He doesn't see her again until Secrets Within Secrets/Royal Heartbreak, three episodes later.
Stella: Speaking of spells, whatever happened to your prince, Bloom?
Bloom: If you're referring to Brandon, you should know he's just a friend whom I haven't caught a glimpse of in a long, long time.
Okay, y'all. They go to different schools. Speaking from experience, you won't see the person you like if you're in a different school. Even if it's the same school, it can be hard when you aren't in the same classes. And don't get me started when you're still in high-school and they graduated or go to different campuses. Bloom and Sky weren't even dating, so of course they didn't see a whole lot of each other. Most of the times they did, it was kinda convenient. The only tome it was normal was during the Alfea/Red Fountain dance.

Sure, he could've called, but at least he picked up when Bloom called him.
"But Diaspro! He should've told her about Diaspro!"
Maybe. But at this time, she still thought he was Brandon. He didn't tell her he was Sky because his life was in danger (and maybe Brandon milking the prince persona to get Stella's attention didn't help). But what was really interesting about this episode was what he said to Timmy.
Sky: Timmy, I'm in big trouble.
Timmy: What do you mean?
Sky: About Bloom and Diaspro!
Timmy: Diaspro?
Sky: The girl I've got to marry! I don't want to, I love Bloom!
Huh. Funny for a guy who supposedly wants nothing to do with her because she may be an evil witch. Not really sure why Timmy knows he's Sky, though.
Now, you can't entirely blame either of the three, but they aren't blameless, either. They each have different sides of the story.
Sky had been ignoring her since they went to Cloud Tower together. So, she went to break into Red Fountain's Exhibition/The Day of the Royals. A girl she bumps into yells at her and tells her not to look at her boyfriend, a hologram of Sky. She assumes it's a trick by the Trix because A; she just finished with a trick from them and B; she's seen Darcy disguised as Stella before. Diaspro was able to turn into a fairy, but my assumption is that she thought it was Darcy using an illusion spell. Explain this line, 4kids:
Bloom: That's a good imitation of a fairy, Icy, but you're not fooling me!

Uh, Bloom? Darcy was the one with illusion magic, not Icy. Not to mention Diaspro started using her GEM POWERS. Okay whatever moving on.
Bloom knocks Diaspro out of the sky, Sky runs to her, Diaspro yells that his name is Sky, not Brandon, and that they're to be married.
Bloom doesn't just leave because of Sky. She leaves because she feels like she doesn't belong in the world of magic after what happened. She hurt a princess, and she thinks Sky didn't tell her who he was because she's a nobody.
Diaspro is the Princess of Eraklyon/Isis. (Is Sky marrying his cousin? Nice save, 4kids. Although I did read a fanfic that different parts of Eraklyon are ruled by different royalty.) Who she assumes to be a peasant/squirette (I hate that word) bumps into her. As a princess, she starts to yell at her and walks away with the video/picture of Sky. This same girl gives her a letter saying Sky/the press wants to see her knocks out her guard and starts attacking. Diaspro tries to deescalate and even when Bloom is attacking, she's only defending herself. Only when her life is potentially in danger does she start fighting back.
I'm sorry, but this 4kids line gets me everytime.
Diaspro: Brandon? ...You mean that little squire boy? He's all yours!
Bloom went a little yandere there and I love her for it.

And then she finds out Sky has been in love with this girl while engaged to her.
Yes, even Sky has a side to this drama. He's being hunted down by an assassin, so his bestie risks his life for him. He knows that Diaspro will be coming to Red Fountain, but he loves Bloom and can't stop thinking about her. Timmy convinces him to tell the truth after the event, but in the middle of the fight, he sees Bloom and Diaspro fighting. He runs to Diaspro when she falls out of the sky because it's canon that they're not just engaged, but childhood friends. He doesn't love her, but he still cares about her. But when Diaspro pulls away and yells at Bloom on who he really is, Sky looks horrified, mostly at Bloom, and pushes Diaspro away to explain, nut stops when she falls out of the sky on her knees.
As I've said, each one is at fault here. Bloom shouldn't have broken into the school and attacked a random girl, Diaspro should learn some fucking manners, and Sky should've told Bloom sooner, considering Timmy of all people knew who he really was. (Seriously, that conversation would've made so much more sense with Brandon.)
It kind of baffles me though how quickly Bloom forgives him when the Specialists pick them up from Red Fountain. Especially 4kids Bloom.
Sky: I feel terrible. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?
Bloom: Actually, there is one thing.
Sky: Okay?
Bloom: It's too weird to call you Prince Sky, so I want to call you something else. Like, umm, how about baby?
WHAT? I'm sorry, I'm dying of cringe over here.
Anyway, by the end of the season, Bloom and Baby kiss, they're a couple, life is great.
And this was the highlight of this couple for me.
Season Two

Why are we already starting with Sky being jealous of a teacher?
Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself a little.
In all fairness, Bloom was jealous of Aisha. Her wings get stuck, Sky gets her out, and she hugs him.
Now, coming from personal experience, if I saw a girl my man saved hugging him, I would internally act the same way as Bloom. Take note of that word. Internally. It isn't necessary to make a big production out of it because she should know that at this point, she and Sky are exclusive. Not to mention season four, but we'll get there later...
They, Stella, Brandon, and Aisha were on a mission, yet Bloom acts like it's a date that the three are wheeling.
Y'all, honestly, I'm blanking here because all I can remember is nothing but jealousy this season from mostly Sky's end to the point he's seen stalking her until Bloom saves his life. I guess his speech to her was cute and that she remembered it later that evening was sweet.
Can we just take note that this is the first season where Sky has consistent hair length? I like to think he grew it out.
(Damn, I asked my boyfriend for highlights to help me out. He's got nothing.)
Season Three

Actually, this is kind of where I start liking them again. I'm not mad that Sky "cheated"; he was literally under a spell. (Feel free to expand on this. This episode is a big trigger for me, so I don't like to watch it.) They even talk about it after. Bloom and Sky talking? Y'all, I never thought I'd see the day.
Maybe I don't mind them because they don't have a lot of relevance this season with the couples getting the most screentime being Musa x Riven and Aisha x Nabu (plus Timmy gets his little moments when he thinks Tecna may be dead and again when he's the only one still actively looking for her.) The Diaspro thing is the biggest issue they have, which is neither of their faults. Say what you want about Diaspro being a jealous yandere, but until then, she was mostly just prissy and salty at Bloom. Remember, she and Sky were childhood friends, so of course he doesn't think she would drug him. It's only after he's freed from the spell that he stops caring about her. Again, it isn't the same to care about someone and be in love with someone. And at this point, Bloom was pretty good at not being a jealous freak considering their closeness because she knew how Sky felt about Diaspro and, more importantly, about her. But after this? She has every right to hate Diaspro, even if Nick didn't show that very well.
Season Four

Here's where it all goes to Hell. After singing this couple's praises back in the first season, I'm ready to drag it into the ground.
It starts off fine. Sky surprises Bloom with a visit, despite now having to be King of Eraklyon via Secret of the Lost Kingdom. Oh, and they're now canonically engaged.
Um, y'all are nineteen. I'm around that age and can't see myself married yet (hon, if you're reading this, no offense). It's kind of concerning that Sky proposes to her right after the equivalent of highschool. And after wathing this shit-show, I don't think they're ready to get married.
Bloom runs into her old boyfriend, Andy. (Where was he in the first three seasons? The world may never know.) He's introduced to help boost Musa in her singing career, but also to cause tension between a now Mary-Sue Bloom and Sky. (It makes sense she would be the "leader" while they're on Earth, but she's so demeaning now.) Bloom isn't even happy to see Sky and the others because they allegedly don't trust them. Now, Riven may have been an ass in this season, but he rightfully calls her out after seeing her kiss Andy.
Oh, did I leave that little part out?
I only have access to the Nickelodeon script.
Bloom: We appreciate what you're trying to do, but you need to trust us to be able to handle this mission.
Riven: We trust you too much! Who were those guys at the club?!
Bloom: What are you talking about?
Sky: Come on, Bloom. Andy and his band? We saw you.
Bloom: I cannot believe that you would do this! I thought you knew me better than that. What's worse isI thought I knew you!
Nice try, Bloom. He saw you kiss him.
It doesn't matter if it was on the cheek. YOU DON'T KISS YOUR EX! ESPECIALLY if you're engaged! A hug if you're still close.
They eventually make up, have a little sex inuendo for the parents who are forced to mindlessly watch this with their seven-year-old girls, and that's about the lowlight for them this season. The sucky part is that their highlight is the inuendo. If your highlight is sex, you shouldn't even consider getting married.
Season Five

A moment of silence for Sky's glorious hair...
Alright. If there's a season these two make me wanna kill myself, it's this one. The pendant, THAT FUCKING PENDANT.
I don't think I can get through this. As I'm typing, it's late and I've already taken ten grams of melatonin. I'm going off of pure willpower.
Look, I was seven. Cut me some slack.
Oh, and Sky is Crown Prince again and they're reset to dating, not engaged. Try and keep up, mate.
Sky loses his memory. Bloom makes it about her. The pendant that he lost brings back his memory when it's found. Diaspro is back as a royal advisor or something because the king is stupid enough to trust the woman who literally poisoned his son with his safety and now the queen is even like "Erendor hon you're a fucking idiot".
This scene, I'm not embarrassed to admit, made me laugh.
Bloom: Sky wouldn't even listen to me!
Aisha: Sky loves you, Bloom.
Bloom: He...he told me to go away!
Stella: Well, rude, but come on. You know he totally still loves you.
Bloom: He didn't show it...
I love how Bloom just becomes a literal princess crying on her huge-ass bed in a flowery gown. Oh, also, no, Sky didn't tell her to go away. He asked her to excuse him and his father. And Bloom is still crying about this every other episode until the end of the season. And with the way this season was airing, that was about half a year.
But that's not what I find funny. Oh, no. You noticed who she was talking to? Stella and Aisha. Aisha.

Need I say more?
Okay. This season is actually starting to hurt my brain. We need to move on before it explodes.
The Seasons I Didn't Watch

Okay so I watched SOME of season six back when I was doing fifty/fifty custody with my parents in the summer. It was either fifth or sixth grade, so it's been awhile. And I never actually finished it. But I don't remember any drama. Just the love triangle between Roy and Nex for Aisha. (I will forever be the only Nex supporter, but at least I have the Yin-Yang blog).)
Season seven, from what I heard, Sky was jealous of...a unicorn. Okay...
Boy, I'd leave her solely for that fashion sense. My Bloom would never be caught in a fucking berry skirt.
Diaspro is back in season eight I guess. Isn't she kind of overused by this point? Either give her a redemption arc or leave her alone. LET MY GIRL GO OUT GRACEFULLY. (Not that poisoning your ex is graceful, but I digress.)
And I've seen those "picnic under the stars" clip. It actually nauseates me that Bloom, who is allegedly twenty-six by this point, is throwing a tantrum that Sky had to reschedule their plans. Thank God they called off the engagement.
Bro, I get season eight aired on Nick Jr., but WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ARTSYLE KILL IT WITH DRAGON FIRE

I want to like this couple. I do in the first season. They were probably the most realistically portrayed one, despite only being sixteen. It was cute, awkward, fun to watch. By season four, it was clear they needed some kind of counseling to make things work and by season eight, I'd be scared of Bloom, walking on eggshells. Please correct me if I'm wrong; maybe she's actually a really good girlfriend this season.
I think it feels like Bloom became more obsessed with Sky than actually loving him and, if the good writing had continued, I would have guessed it was a trauma-response from Diaspro's poisoning. But no, their relationship is connivance; they're the respective leaders of their groups (I still think Brandon should have led the Specialists, even after the reveal). She's not even "yandere obsessed" (Can you tell how much I really like yanderes?). She's just annoying obsessed.
Sky wasn't great, either. Season two's jealousy is slightly understandable; they were a new couple. But season seven's unicorn? Bloom, are you not seeing the red flags?
I'm not really sure how to end this except asking for other opinions. I'm not sure which couple I'll do next, but I'm thinking Flora x Helia?
Keep winxing!
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